Search by English, Mandarin characters, or Taiwanese romanization.
To search by Taiwanese, select the romanization system you want to use. You
can include tone numbers or diacritics, or search without them. If you are
using tone numbers, make sure to include the numbers for unmarked tones, such as
first and fourth tone in POJ and TRS.
For POJ (and DT), if the 'ⁿ' or 'o·' give you any problems, just use
'nn' or 'oo'.
To learn about the different romanizations systems, have a look at the
following Wikipedia pages:
Pe̍h-ōe-jī (POJ)
Taiwanese Romanization System (TRS)
Daighi tongiong pingim (DT)
Wildcard search:
Use a question mark (?) to stand for any one character, or an asterisk (*) to
stand for any number of characters. Searches enclosed in double quotes (") will
return only exact matches.
Note about the DT romanization:
Since DT represents tones as they are pronounced after tone sandhi, it is
difficult to convert from POJ to DT. For this reason, about 15% of the
dictionary entries, and over half of the example phrases are not included in
DT searches.
About the Maryknoll dictionary:
This dictionary exists because of the amazing work of the
Maryknoll Language Service Center
. They have generously released their Taiwanese-English Dictionary to the
public under a Creative Commons licence, allowing sites like this one to exist.
You can support them by visiting their
in Taichung, Taiwan, and purchasing their Taiwanese textbooks, CDs, or by
signing up for language courses with them.
(This website, however, is in no way affiliated with the Maryknoll Language
Service Center. Any opinions expressed on this website are solely my own and do
not express the views or opinions of the Maryknoll Language Service Center,
etc., etc.)
About the MOE dictionary:
Taiwan's Ministry of Education provides an exellent Taiwanese-Chinese Dictionary.
You can check out the
original version and the
new version.
Big shout out to Reddit's u/Guohuade for providing raw data and
cross-referencing it with
for the English entries. Check out his subreddit,
r/ohtaigi as well as his YouTube
Anyong Teaches Taiwanese for great lessons in Taiwanese for English speakers.
Suggestions and corrections:
Maryknoll's original print dictionary was very well proofread and edited. However,
the xls file on which this website is based was scanned and converted to text
using optical character recognition and therefore contains many errors. If
you find mistakes, you can submit corrections to me at this
address. Please include the
the words "MkDict correction" in the subject line. Also, please copy and paste
the "plaintext" entry somewhere in the message so I can know exactly which
entry you are referring to. If you want, you can cross refence with the print